This website, www.masumihayashi.com,
hosts Professor Hayashi's creative research that deals with the
internment of Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II.
This project started with Hayashi's panoramic photo collages which
show the remnants of sites of Japanese American Internment camps
during World War II and were symbolic of an archeological and historical
memory. Professor Hayashi interviewed camp survivors in different
areas of the United States and Canada which became part of the artwork
installation in galleries and museums. She collected photographs
taken by these camp survivors when cameras were contraband. Ms.
Hayashi project was a search for a collective memory, having been
born in the camps, but having no memories of the camps. It was also
a personal pilgrimage. These voices, photo collages, and snapshots
have become a project that resonates today as we observe our history

Manzanar Relocation
Camp, Monument, 1995, panoramic photo collage, 48"x 80".
Concentration Camps
"Amercian Concentration Camps" page exhibits artist/Professor
Hayashi's panoramic photo collages of the 10 Japanese American relocation
camps. These photographs only cover the relocation centers/camps.
They do not address the assembly centers, the U.S. Justice Dept.
camps or the prison and other WRA facilities.
The Gallery
Page is the exhibition page of Hayashi's panoramic
photo collages of the Japanese American Relocation camps.
Map Pages locate the Japanese American relocation Camps.
The Family
Album Project
"The Family Album Project" was an exhibition curated by Professor
Hayashi for the Cleveland State University Art Gallery and the Ohio Arts
Council. Even though cameras were contraband, family album snapshots were
taken by internees and visitors to the camps. This part of the camp project
defines the use of photography in terms of the Japanese American and Japanese
Canadian internment.
The Masumi Hayashi Museum
Artist/Professor Masumi Hayashi's other projects and artworks from
1999 to the present are hosted on this website, www.masumimuseum.com.
There are five galleries with over 177 photographs that represent
her oeuvre of photo collages, including the prison series, the post-industrial
series, the cityworks series, the EPA Superfund series, and the
Asian temples and ancestral worship series.
Internment camp statistical information is presented with the permission
of the Japanese
American National Museum and Brian Niiya, 1997.
FUNDING SOURCES: Includes an Ohio Arts Council
Project Grant,
and Artist Fellowship Grant, Cleveland State University faculty research
grants, and a U.S. Civil Liberties Educational Fund Research grant.
COPYRIGHT: No reuse of any content
from this web site is permitted without written permission
of the author/artist, Professor Masumi Hayashi, and the acknowledgement and
notation of the web site as source material.
Copyright © 1997- 2005 Masumi Hayashi. All rights reserved.
Site Design and Execution by
A. Keesey